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Social Media Marketing

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The internet can be quite an efficacious place to practically browse almost anything on online platforms. From wanting to scour through underrated products that fit your preferences the best to finding materials and merchandise that are always in trend throughout the generational cycle, it all runs long and wide.

In today’s age, every other person is an active member of multiple social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, and many such powerful websites; whether it is to engage with either one or hundreds and thousands of people all around the globe, to search, view, and acquire products and goods all while sitting in the comfort of your safety, from exploring new business opportunities and ideas to even attain important insights and information about recent trends and events; social platforms come extremely handy and useful for businesses small or large, to engage with willing audiences, thus giving social marketing the full potential to be one of the biggest most effective advertising tool strategies of all time.

With such a prolific reach opportunity like this, it is every business favorite strategy to gain more visibility and exposure; whether they are beginners or experienced entrepreneurs, each one of them eagerly looks forward to an exciting probable advantage to display and advertise their products and services on social media platforms that they have likely to offer to their interested customers.


“Improve your brand awareness through social media marketing”

Building brand exposure and engaging with customers through social media marketing is a terrific strategy. Falcon Business Intelligence uses its knowledge of Facebook advertising, content production, and tried-and-true tactics to assist businesses like yours in increasing website traffic and revenues.

Social media is an excellent way for businesses to engage with customers and develop relationships. Businesses can use social media to post details about new items, sales, and coupons, as well as to find out what customers think of the company. Your business has the chance to be seen through social media on a variety of websites, including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and others. Additionally, it might help you expand your customer base by establishing connections with possible clients who are looking for like businesses nearby. Every business owner should have a profile on one or more major networks since there are numerous advantages to using social media as a marketing tool. People are increasingly turning to mobile access since it is simple and practical for making purchases. In the long run, it's unexpectedly less expensive than other marketing techniques because you can simultaneously reach a huge client base for a relatively minimal time investment.


Key Features

Setting Up Your Social Media Profile

Setting Up Your Social Media Profile

Social Media Management

Social Media Management

Creating Engaging Content

Creating Engaging Content

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads

Instagram Ads

Instagram Ads

You Tube Ads

You Tube Ads

TikTok Ads

TikTok Ads



LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads

Content Marketing Strategy

Content Marketing Strategy

Weekly Reporting

Weekly Reporting

Target Audience

Target Audience

Enhancing Brand Loyalty

Enhancing Brand Loyalty

Higher Brand Authority

Higher Brand Authority

Cost Effective

Cost Effective

Increased Conversion Rate

Increased Conversion Rate

Increasing Inbound Traffic

Increasing Inbound Traffic

Plan Highlights



Setting up your social media profile 

 Do you find it difficult to maintain your social media profiles? Although managing all of the many platforms can be challenging, social media is a great method to connect and interact with your customers. That's where we come in! We can assist you in building unique profiles that will increase engagement and help you expand your business.


Social Media Management 

 Given the significance of social media for businesses, we are here to relieve you of the burden of daily management. For you to be able to concentrate on what's most important—expanding your business—our team will produce original material and respond to customers in a good way. Let us take care of everything, including developing exciting content and providing prompt service.



Creating engaging content 

The most significant marketing tool available now is social media. All of your efforts can be for naught if you don't have enough content or don't engage your audience adequately. We are here for that purpose! We'll develop original content for your social media accounts, including interesting, instructive, and promotional content that directly benefits the growth of your business's clients and leads.



Facebook Ads 

 Facebook enables you to target ads at extremely precise audiences. Given the options, an advertising budget can quickly be spent, therefore it's critical to understand how to get the most out of your Facebook advertising budget. Highly targeted Facebook ad campaigns that produce a high return on investment for your company are what we plan, develop, optimize, and analyze.



Instagram Ads 

 A successful Instagram advertising campaign involves strategic knowledge, artistic vision, and the time to implement and track results. We are here to assist since we realize that many businesses lack the resources or are unable to use their own resources to develop successful Instagram campaigns. We keep abreast of the most recent industry developments, algorithm changes, and best practices to advance your company's operations and produce the finest outcomes. 



YouTube ads 

 The best approach to reach consumers with your message is through video ads. Obtain outstanding client engagement with Facebook and YouTube video ads. Promote memorable video content for your audience to boost sales and increase brand recognition.



LinkedIn ads 

 The most popular location for B2B decision makers to network, search for issues to be resolved and find business solutions is LinkedIn. Your business can reach out to these decision-makers directly with LinkedIn Advertising and provide messaging that will resonate more with them than a cold call. Let us increase the impact of your LinkedIn marketing initiatives.



Content Marketing Strategy 

 We market your business on social media using a personalized content marketing approach.



Weekly reporting 

 On a weekly basis, we give our clients precise, succinct reporting regarding their marketing activities.



Target audience 

 Social media platforms make it simple to identify your ideal audience based on factors like age, profession, and interests.



Enhancing Brand Loyalty 

 Customers are more likely to return to you when the time comes to make a purchase if you become a reputable source on social media. Consumers will think of your brand more often if you regularly share information on pertinent products.



Higher brand authority 

 Producing engaging social media content for users interested in your product or service can increase interaction with your brand over time and boost brand authority.



Cost Effective 

 Compared to traditional forms of advertising and marketing, social media marketing is more affordable since it enables advertisers to establish direct connections with their target demographic.



Increased conversion rate 

 Your business will have more conversion opportunities with greater visibility. Each picture, video, or comment will bring more people to your business' website and boost traffic.



Increased Customer Trust 

 Your followers and friends can see what you share and what you are interested in when you make a post or tweet public on Facebook or Twitter. This creates the potential for engagement, content sharing, and fostering customer loyalty.

Increasing Inbound Traffic 

 One of the finest ways to drive visitors to your website is through social media outlets. Search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo employ social signals to evaluate the position of pages in their SERP, such as high-quality content sharing and following accounts.

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One of the best techniques to convey your marketing announcements is undoubtedly through social media. An astounding number of more than 4 billion people today are currently active users of social networking platforms.

Every business in general, at one point have or should discover quick-witted ways in utilizing this smart technological approach to market their merchandise in order to catch an undivided attention from their targeted customers and use the same opportunity to communicate with the involved audience, spread awareness of their services and items, and provide every recent notifications to customers of current sales, and new products or brand deals engaging in their business.

Eventually, the readability of your business brand will have the potential to attract a targeted audience and increase the community engagement and in doing so, it would allow your business to establish further relations and expand connections with popular brands that are interested and willing.



We as a society, have been conditioned to gravitate more towards comfort, luxury and peace in our own safe space. With millions of active mobile users all over the world, it is no surprise when we tend to opt for online shopping and services as it evidently requires less time and work, and is relatively considered more feasible, pragmatic, and accessible to people all across the globe.

Falconbi actively promotes social media management strategies and services for various online platforms that includes socials like Instagram, Facebook etc. and help your brand gain more communal engagement and exposure online from social users who are disposed to engaging with products and items that your business has to offer.

The more active engagement you are receiving from your targeted customers the better your chances are of establishing further connections with widely known brands and businesses that will help you increase your overall sales and thus significantly also elevating your profits.



Many company owners come to a decision of being incharge of running their business’s social media platforms their own way but gradually come to face very substandard problems that has usually to do with maintaining and managing.

Managing a business both physically and virtually requires a lot of time and undivided attention, something that is almost considered an impossible task to maintain for a business owner to achieve single handedly and all at once which then soon creates a decrease in sales and profits, less productivity, and inconsistency in your marketing strategies.

This is where Falconbi, a digital marketing agency with their team of highly experienced professionals come into action.
Our employees make it their utmost responsibility to ensure your business is being seen, heard, and engaged as well as communicated with the interested audiences.

A significant sign of detecting an expert employee is consistency and accuracy in the field of work they choose to work in. 
Our professionals come with years of experience in their field of expertise so they can provide to you the best of their abilities and skills to help you reach your business at the top in the market where it deserves. We make it our personal mission to remain fully invested and committed to what we offer to your business.

Falconbi is an exceptional leading provider of social media marketing services to hundreds and thousands of businesses all over Mississauga and the country. It solely strives to promote better growth and development to engaging brands by providing them online exposure, visibility, and finer reach quality.

We provide you the services and recommendations best deserved for your business by our leading experts so you can watch your brand flourish both physically and on the largest social networking platforms into the commercial industry.

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